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Abstracts from files in info-mac/prn as of Sun Dec 26 00:56:09 PST 1993
#### BINHEX adobe-ppd-dos-to-apple-cvt-hc.hqx ****
From: Guppy Food <macwhiz@roundtable.cif.rochester.edu>
Subject: ppdconverter-101-sit.hqx
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 23:58:40 -0400 (EDT)
This HyperCard utility will convert Adobe PPD files from UNIX/MS-DOS format
and naming conventions to the convention used by LaserWriter 8.0 and Adobe
PSPrinter 8.0. Specifically, it's useful for converting the PPDs available
on ftp.adobe.com.
This is NOT an Adobe product. I am NOT in any way related to Adobe.
Requires HyperCard 2.x.
Rob Levandowski
Computer Interest Floor / University of Rochester
Version 1.0.1 corrects some minor bugs and adds a few minor bells and
#### BINHEX adobe-ppd.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 11:17:44 -0400
From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken B Kirksey)
Subject: Adobe PPD Files
Here's a BIG stuffit archive containing all the Adobe PPD files
as of 6-24-93.
#### BINHEX aldus-ppd-laserwriter-pro-630.hqx ****
From "Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>" Fri Aug 27 10:32:21 1993
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1993 08:37:34 -0500
From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: [*] Aldus PPD for LaserWriter Pro 630
Greetings, all!
Here's the recently requested Aldus PPD for the LaserWriter Pro 630 printer,
straight from the PageMaker 5.0 update (which requires, and includes, the
new LaserWriter 8.0 driver). I suggest it gets archived as lw_pro630_ppd.hqx.
Hope this helps!
Neil E. Mickelson
#### BINHEX apple-laserwriter-ppd.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 11:18:33 -0400
From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken B Kirksey)
Subject: Apple PPD Files
Apple LaserWriter PPD files as of 6/17/93.
#### BINHEX chucks-printer-driver-110.hqx ****
From: rentmees@cae.wisc.edu
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 17:07:34 CDT
[*] Chuck's Printer Driver 1.1.0
The following is the latest version (1.1.0) of Chuck's Printer Driver.
A printer driver for Epson compatible 9-pin and 24-pin printers (and
configurable for most dot matrix printers). Just drop the driver and
the spooler application into your system folder!
It fixes a few bugs:
* problem with justified text
* Print canceling
And has new features:
* Can print to a file instead of to the printer
* Background print spooling in Multifinder or Sys 7
- Charles Rentmeesters
#### BINHEX desk-n-laser-jet-printdrv.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 18 May 1993 9:00:48 +1000 (EST)
From: RYANPH@mrl.dsto.gov.au (Philip FX Ryan)
Subject: Printer driver for DeskJets, LaserJets (Free)
After communicating with Olli and Ari, they agreed that this printer driver
should be sent to the info-mac archives.
The driver is _free_, it works on _any mac_, it includes instructions for
making a cable to connect to the DeskJet printer series, and it works from
system 6 or system 7. This latest version supports dithering to produce
greyscale images. It has been tested to work on DeskJet, DeskJet Plus,
DeskJet 500, various versions of HP's LaserJet series.
Note: this driver does not print in colour with the colour DeskJets,
although it should be able to print in b&w quite OK from such printers.
Lastly, _please_ direct questions to the authors, either on
'oar@kurp-gw.hut.fi' or 'hpdj-bugs@hut.fi'.
Phil Ryan Melbourne, Australia
******* begin author's notice *******
Date: Sat, 15 May 1993 15:28:36 +0300
From: Olli "GuestStar" Arnberg <oar@kurp-gw.hut.fi>
Subject: HPDJ 3.1
We are pleased to announce a new version of HPDJ, version 3.1. It has xxx
- Outputs neatly to the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet and is compatible with
most LaserJets.
- 5 resolutions: 75 dpi, 100 dpi (the one FAX uses, otherwise not a good
choice), 150 dpi, 300 dpi, and draft (it uses DeskJet's internal fonts).
- Compatibility with page setups of most Apple and many other printers
that are available in 1993. This driver recognizes and tolerates the paper
sizes that these printers use. HPDJ can now handle a variable number of
"foreign" printer paper sizes and a comprehensive set of paper sizes is
readily provided.
- Personal paper sizes.
- Portrait and Landscape printing directions.
- HPDJ reports its progress during printing much in the same way as
LaserWriter. (A small dialog box in the upper part of the screen.)
- The HPDJ can take advantage of Color QuickDraw if it is available on
your machine. You can instruct HPDJ to pretend to the application that it
can print 16 colors although in fact it can output only black and white
images. If the "Dither bitmaps" option is set, all bitmaps are dithered and
thus color and/or grayscale pixels are approximated with dither patterns.
- HPDJ can "Retain pattern sizes", but for "old-style" 8x8 bit patterns
only. Perhaps we might implement "new-style", or, color patterns, too. If
we did, this option mightQas a side effectQcause HPDJ to render different
solid colors as grayscale patterns everywhere, not just in bitmaps only.
- Bold and underline work in draft output. If you have bought (we haven't)
a DeskJet font cartridge for italic output, it should work too. (DeskJet
Plus, DeskJet 500, and most of the LaserJets have at least some italic
fonts built-in.) You can control how often the print head is repositioned
on a document-by-document basis. This repositioning is necessary to
achieve a better match between Macintosh and DeskJet fonts, but it
consumes more time.
- Support for PrGeneral. This allows an application to find out the
resolutions HPDJ is capable of and adjust its behavior accordingly. More
and more applications require it (and those who don't, might print more
- The printer driver finds out if an operation is allowed on that Macintosh
model / system software version and uses only those operations. Thus the
printer driver is compatible with System 2.0 onwards.
- Hopefully the driver is 32 bit clean. We have tested it only a little bit
(though it didn't show any bad signs). The most of this testing is left to
the big public. No dirty operations were knowingly used, though.
Enjoy, have fun,
Olli, Ari
PS. This driver is *freeware*. It is not in the public domain, however:
Copyright (c) Ari Mujunen, Olli Arnberg 1993. Released 15.05.1993.
#### BINHEX deskwriter-550c-driver-20.hqx ****
From: Kevin Savetz <waffle@rahul.net>
Subject: Deskwriter 500C driver ver 2.0
Date: Tue, 25 May 93 23:38:59 PDT
This package was uploaded by Kevin Savetz (Internet:savetz@rahul.net / America
Online: Savetz) who is not affiliated in any way with HP. Just a satisfied user
of their printer.
How to use:
You need to have the version 1.0 driver for the HP Deskwriter 550C installed on
your hard disk. Uncompress the stuffed archive. Read my readme. You'll see two
folders, INSTALL 1 and INSTALL 2 - each folder is one floppy disk, just as I
received from HP. Format two low density disks and copy the contents of each
folder (not the folder itself) to its respective disk. Name the disks "Install
1" and "Install 2". Pop in "Install 1", read HP's readme file, and double click
the installer icon. Now you're on your own. When it's all installed, remember to
use the Chooser to change the driver to the new one. When you are satisfied that
it works, you may want to delete the old driver from your system folder (or
whereever it lives...)
In my use, the upgrade sped up foreground printing, slowed down background
printing, and stopped occasional crashes while printing on my IIsi. Print
options menu items are clearer, and there is more help. Your mileage may (and
probably will) vary.
Good luck.
Kevin Savetz
#### BINHEX deskwriter-c-driver-30.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 00:29:26 EDT
From: takemoto@xtal0.harvard.edu
Subject: [*] Deskwriter C Drivers v3.0
This is the Deskwriter C drivers, v 3.0. This includes
ColorSync support for users who have System 7.0.1 or newer.
To use these drivers at all, you need System 6.0.5 or newer.
Note: It is suggested that you have at least a 400K memory
partition for the Finder. If you are running under System 6
you can change the partition yourself. If you are running
System 7 the installer will automagically increase the Finder's
memory partition to 400K.
You will need 7.5 Meg (!) free on your hard disk to do "Easy
Install". To do a Custom Install requires less.
When this file is debinhexed and expanded (using Stuffit
Expander, for instance), you should get two DiskCopy .image
files. You will need to use DiskCopy (or DART) and two 800K
disks in order to use this software.
The usual Installer caveats apply: Turn off all antivirus
software before installing; preferably you should turn off
all those nasty cdevs/inits (cps/exts for Sys 7 folk) and
reboot before installing.
Darin Takemoto
#### BINHEX deskwriter-driver-40.hqx ****
From: h.rzepa@ic.ac.uk
Subject: HP_Deskwriter_V4.0
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 8:57:49 bst
Deskwriter Driver V4.0, supporting both the original
Deskwriter and the new 510 model.
#### BINHEX deskwriter-driver-disk-39.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 08:27:52 -0400
From: ralph@world.std.com (Ralph Lombreglia)
Subject: deskwriter-39-image.hqx
Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter 3.9 Drivers. Installation disk image.
Unlike two recent sumex uploads of the new HP DeskWriter 3.9 drivers,
this file contains a true "disk image" of the HP installer floppy,
created with Apple's DiskCopy 4.2 program. YOU WILL NEED DISKCOPY 4.2
TO USE THIS FILE. The previous uploads to sumex did not work because
the HP Installer script and compressed files must reside on a
precisely formatted and configured 800K floppy, called "Installer 1,"
or the script will not run. DiskCopy 4.2 will use this disk image to
create that floppy.
This file is a binhexed Compact Pro archive.
DeskWriter 3.9 includes more sophisticated support for grayscale
printing (with user-configurable levels of gray), and a
context-sensitive help window. HP provides no detailed list of
changes from the previous 3.1, but it appears that the
enlargement/reduction feature of Print Preview is gone entirely, while
page navigation within Preview has been improved with a pop-up menu of
page numbers.
Uploaded to sumex-aim 6/4/93 by Ralph Lombreglia (ralph@world.std.com)
#### BINHEX drop-ps-10.hqx ****
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: Drop*PS 1.0
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1993 22:57:45 -0400 (EDT)
The attached BinHex'd StuffIt Deluxe 3.0 archive contains Drop*PS,
a System 7-dependent drag-and-drop application for downloading
PostScript source files to the network-connected PostScript
printer of your choice.
Bare-Bones Software bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Principal Software Designer
Patrick Woolsey Director of Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX easy-envelopes-plus-26.hqx ****
From: Murph Sewall <Sewall@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
EZ Envelopes+ 2.6 is a handy shareware DA from Andy Welch that makes it
easy to address envelopes. You can have an icon before your return
address and print the postal barcode on the envelope. The DA is now
Quadra cache compatible and doubles as rolodex.
#### BINHEX font-control-11-fkey.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 13:36:55 +0100
From: labstp34@di.unito.it (lab stp - Fabrizio Oddone - 181292 )
Subject: [*] Font Control 1.1 submission
Font Control is a function key (FKEY). An FKEY is a little
program you can start up by pressing a Command-Shift-number
combination on your keyboard.
You really need this FKEY if you own a Imagewriter or a
StyleWriter, and would like to decently print texts.
The Apple drivers for these printers do not include a
"Fractional Widths" option, so the printed text is misaligned.
This new improved version lets you use TrueType typefaces even
if the corresponding bitmap fonts are available.
Moreover, you can avoid that ugly distortion (shrinking)
of characters (glyphs, to be more correct)
extending beyond the ascent and/or the descent line, such as
caps characters with accents, tildes, etc.
Read the enclosed note for a complete explanation about the
"Fractional Widths, Font Scaling & Preserve Glyphs" story.
For errors, suggestions, and others send mail to:
Enjoy yourself and remember the shareware fee!
Fabrizio Oddone
#### TEXT generating-postscript.txt ****
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 19:06:19 -0600
From: Don Gillies <gillies@sal.cs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: new submission
please delete the first 7 lines of this email message and put the rest
in the archive. Something happened to my early (july 29) posts and 2K
of data was lost from the end of this file. The file length will be
28068 bytes; Please make sure you have the whole file (an earlier copy
was truncated). This file belongs in the following location on sumex:
----------------------------- cut here -----------------------------
This file is called "generating-postscript.txt" and lives on the
computer [sumex-aim.stanford.edu] in the /info-mac/tips/ directory.
last update was 6.25.92.
Generating Postscript
(0) The laserwriter 7.0 way is easy
(1) The onetime postscript generator [with keypress] (5.x, 6.x)
(2) The weekend postscript generator [with checkbox] (5.x, 6.x)
#### BINHEX hp-font-downloader.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:30:13 CDT
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
Subject: [*] HP Laserjet Driver Ver 8_Utility
This is the utility for downloading fonts etc. that comes with the
HP Version 8 driver.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
#### BINHEX hp-laserjet-4m-ppd.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:27:43 CDT
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
Subject: HP Laserjet Driver Ver 8_4M PPDs
These are the PPDs for the Laserjet 4M; other Laserjet PPDs are in the
Adobe PPDs, available at sumex and from ftp.adobe.com
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
#### BINHEX hp-laserjet-doc.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:21:43 CDT
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
Subject: [*] HP Laserjet Driver Ver 8_Guides
These are the guides for using the Version 8 Laserjet driver and utility.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
#### BINHEX hp-laserjet-driver-80.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:22:33 CDT
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
Subject: [*] HP Laserjet Driver Ver 8_Driver
Here is the Laserjet Version 8 Driver, optimized for Postscript Level
2 devices, but still providing some performance improvements at Level 1.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
#### BINHEX hpdj-31.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 15 May 1993 15:29:33 +0300
From: Olli "GuestStar" Arnberg <oar@kurp-gw.hut.fi>
Subject: HPDJ 3.1
We are pleased to announce a new version of HPDJ, version 3.1. It has xxx
- Outputs neatly to the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet and is compatible with
most LaserJets.
- 5 resolutions: 75 dpi, 100 dpi (the one FAX uses, otherwise not a good
choice), 150 dpi, 300 dpi, and draft (it uses DeskJet's internal fonts).
- Compatibility with page setups of most Apple and many other printers
that are available in 1993. This driver recognizes and tolerates the paper
sizes that these printers use. HPDJ can now handle a variable number of
"foreign" printer paper sizes and a comprehensive set of paper sizes is
readily provided.
- Personal paper sizes.
- Portrait and Landscape printing directions.
- HPDJ reports its progress during printing much in the same way as
LaserWriter. (A small dialog box in the upper part of the screen.)
- The HPDJ can take advantage of Color QuickDraw if it is available on
your machine. You can instruct HPDJ to pretend to the application that it
can print 16 colors although in fact it can output only black and white
images. If the "Dither bitmaps" option is set, all bitmaps are dithered and
thus color and/or grayscale pixels are approximated with dither patterns.
- HPDJ can "Retain pattern sizes", but for "old-style" 8x8 bit patterns
only. Perhaps we might implement "new-style", or, color patterns, too. If
we did, this option mightQas a side effectQcause HPDJ to render different
solid colors as grayscale patterns everywhere, not just in bitmaps only.
- Bold and underline work in draft output. If you have bought (we haven't)
a DeskJet font cartridge for italic output, it should work too. (DeskJet
Plus, DeskJet 500, and most of the LaserJets have at least some italic
fonts built-in.) You can control how often the print head is repositioned
on a document-by-document basis. This repositioning is necessary to
achieve a better match between Macintosh and DeskJet fonts, but it
consumes more time.
- Support for PrGeneral. This allows an application to find out the
resolutions HPDJ is capable of and adjust its behavior accordingly. More
and more applications require it (and those who don't, might print more
- The printer driver finds out if an operation is allowed on that Macintosh
model / system software version and uses only those operations. Thus the
printer driver is compatible with System 2.0 onwards.
- Hopefully the driver is 32 bit clean. We have tested it only a little bit
(though it didn't show any bad signs). The most of this testing is left to
the big public. No dirty operations were knowingly used, though.
Enjoy, have fun,
Olli, Ari
PS. This driver is *freeware*. It is not in the public domain, however:
Copyright (c) Ari Mujunen, Olli Arnberg 1993. Released 15.05.1993.
#### BINHEX kiwi-envelopes-3111-updt.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1993 17:28:46 -0600
From: Doug Chamberlain <doug@roamer.hill.com>
Subject: KiwiEnv3.1.11 Updater
Will you please post the attached updater for Kiwi Envelopes version 3.1.11
to the appropriate info-mac category.
I am making this request on behalf of Jane Evans of Kiwi Software, the
developer of KE and the updater program. (Jane has accounts on AOL and
CompuServe, but not on Internet.)
#### TEXT laserprep-editing.txt ****
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 16:40:26 -0500
From: Don Gillies <gillies@cs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Information File
Here is a copy of a file that recently disappeared from the archives.
It belongs in /info-mac/tips/laserprep-editing.txt (this is a new
name; the old name was imagen-postscript.txt). This describes how to
modify system 5.x and 6.x laser preps to print on non-apple printers.
This is a very frequently asked question in all the mac newsgroups
(the FAQ moderator wants to add this file to his FAQ index of files).
-------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------
If you are having trouble printing macintosh postscript on a non-apple
printer, with laserwriter drivers 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, or 6.1, then
read onward. This file is called "laserprep-editing.txt" and lives in
the directory [sumex-aim.stanford.edu]<info-mac>tips>. Good luck!
Don Gillies - gillies@cs.uiuc.edu - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
I posed a question in these newsgroups on March 23, asking how to
#### BINHEX laserwriter-81-patch.hqx ****
From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: [*] LaserWriter 8.1 Patch
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1993 00:04:35 -0600 (CST)
Hello again...
LaserWriter 8.1 Patch is a program that applies a few "hacks" to Apple's
LaserWriter 8.1 Driver, available from ftp.apple.com. The "hacks"
- A Layout menu in the Print dialog box
- Active SETUP button without having a printer selected
- More "n-up" printing options (6,8,9, or 16 pages/sheet)
This patch was written with ResCompare, and is based on information from
LaserWriter Hacks, available as a text file from the infomac archives.
This patch is freeware; any comments can be sent to my e-mail address.
More complete documentation is included.
Use at your own risk...and remember to back up your driver, first!
Neil E. Mickelson
---------- CUT HERE ----------
#### TEXT laserwriter-8x-hacks-11.txt ****
Subject: [*] LaserWriter 8.x Hacks & Patches, version 1.1
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 93 11:40:16 EST
From: Don Markuson <dmm@tiger1.CV.COM>
Enclosed is a brief report on hacks and patches folks can make to the
LaserWriter 8.x driver to tailor it better to their needs or environment.
It covers how to:
- Make the SETUP button in the Chooser always active
- Disable the AppleTalk requirement (use to only generate PS files)
- Select N-up choices from the Print Dialog
- Modify N-up choices for additional/other layouts
- Disable N-up page borders
- Modify which fonts are included in PS files
- Disallow printing of multiple copies
- Avoid unnecessary use of the Symbol font for certain symbols
..Don Markuson
#### BINHEX laserwriter-pro-sleep.hqx ****
Date: 17 Jun 1993 13:58:17 -0800
From: "Hirsch, Ed" <hirsch#m#_ed@msgate.corp.apple.com>
Subject: Please post this Mac Utility
Enclosed is a BinHex file of a freeware program developed by the Energy Star
Group of Apple Computer, Inc. It allows one to set his/her LaserWriter Pro to
go into "sleep" mode after a period of inactivity. The "sleep" mode saves wear
and tear (and energy) on your LaserWriter Pro. This is a great addition to any
LaserWriter Pro owner.
Ed Hirsch duke@apple.com
Desktop Services
Apple Computer, Inc.
#### BINHEX mac-gs-252b3-updt.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 93 09:45:12 PDT
From: mwfong@nisc.sri.com (Martin Fong)
Subject: MacGS 2.5.2b3.hqx (1 of 1)
01 June 1993
This is an *incremental* release of MacGS 2.5.2b3. As such, the
contents of this distribution must replace, or be added to, the files
in the MacGS 2.5.2b2 distribution.
Beta 3 Enhancements and Bug Fixes
---- - ------------ --- --- -----
Because MacGS now correctly responds to page size and resolution
changes specified via the GS' putdeviceprops operator (see
language.doc), it will also change the size of its displayable area to
match the paper sizes specified in gs_statd.ps. Also, the file
108dpi.ps, located in (macGS Tests), shows how to change the displayed
output resolution to 108 dpi. This is particularly useful if you're
using MacGS to read manuscripts.
MacGS will open PS files of type 'EPSF' as well as those of type
MacGS' Resume command now invokes initgraphics.
...Martin Fong mwfong@nisc.sri.com
Senior Software Engineer (415) 859-4251
SRI International, EJ209
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
#### BINHEX mac-gs-252b3.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 09:29:59 PDT
From: mwfong@nisc.sri.com (Martin Fong)
Subject: MacGS 2.5.2.b3 Dev.cpt
15 July 1993
This is an *incremental* souce code release of MacGS 2.5.2b3. As
such, the contents of this distribution must replace, or be added to,
the files in the MacGS 2.5.2b2 development distribution.
Please note that this distribution contains a copy of gs_mac.ps that
fixes a problem with the copypage operator, and that this copy
supercedes its counterpart in the MacGS 2.5.2b3 *runtime*
Beta 3 Enhancements and Bug Fixes
---- - ------------ --- --- -----
Because MacGS now correctly responds to page size and resolution
changes specified via the GS' putdeviceprops operator (see
language.doc), it will also change the size of its displayable area to
match the paper sizes specified in gs_statd.ps. Also, the file
108dpi.ps, located in (macGS Tests), shows how to change the displayed
output resolution to 108 dpi. This is particularly useful if you're
using MacGS to read manuscripts.
MacGS will open PS files of type 'EPSF' as well as those of type
MacGS' Resume command now invokes initgraphics.
The copypage operator now pauses and waits for the Resume command.
...Martin Fong mwfong@nisc.sri.com
Senior Software Engineer (415) 859-4251
SRI International, EJ209
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
#### SHELL_ARC macps-23-unix.shar ****
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 92 13:08:55 PDT
From: edmoy@violet.berkeley.edu
Subject: macps/prepfix v. 2.3
Well, here is the long-overdue System 7 compatible version of macps and
prepfix, version 2.3, in shar format. Following are some excerpts from
the included ReadMe file.
Edward Moy Principal Programmer - Macintosh & Unix
Workstation Support Services Workstation Software Support Group
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Macps is a Unix program that takes an uploaded PostScript file created
on a Macintosh (see macps.1 for more details) and includes an
appropriately modified LaserPrep file so that the result can be sent to
a PostScript printer from Unix. The LaserPrep file contains macros
used by the PostScript generator on the Macintosh.
Since the Apple LaserPrep files are copyrighted, I've included a
program, prepfix, that reads version 4.0 and up LaserPrep files, and
edits them so that they are (mostly) compatible with Unix (See
prepfix.1 for more details).
Version 2.3 of prepfix now support LaserPrep 7.x (System 7). Resulting
LaserPrep files are slightly smaller, since some extraneous comments
have been removed. Version 2.3 of macps works with System 7-generated
PostScript files, replacing the included LaserPrep with the modified
version. Because of the way this change was made, macps can now work
on either a Command-F or Command-K (pre-System 7) PostScript file.
Creating a PostScript file under System 7 will cause all fonts used in
a document to be downloaded. Downloaded fonts, especially TrueType
fonts, tend to make the resulting PostScript file very large. Both the
size of the PostScript file and the complexity of a downloadable
TrueType font can cause some printers to fail to print, even when the
printer already contains the requested fonts. Software like H.M.
Ayala's Trimmer CDEV (available from most Macintosh ftp sites and
bulletin board systems) can prevents selected fonts (those already
resident in the printer) from being downloaded.
----------- cut ------------------- cut -------------------- cut ------------
#### BINHEX ppd-hp-laserjet-4simx.hqx ****
From "Martin.Jourdan@inria.fr (Martin Jourdan)" Sun Sep 12 00:48:44 1993
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 16:05:23 +0200
From: Martin.Jourdan@inria.fr (Martin Jourdan)
Subject: HP LaserJet 4Si MX PPD file
After my request in Info-Mac, Robert L. Frost was kind enough to send me
the PostScript Printer Description file for the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet
4Si MX (for use with the Apple/Adobe LaserWriter v8 driver). Here it is for
all of you on the net.
Martin Jourdan
Projet ChLoE', axe ``compilation'', INRIA, Rocquencourt, France
Phone +33-1-39-63-54-35, fax +33-1-39-63-53-30, telex 697 033 F
#### BINHEX print-2-pict-35.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 10:51:18 GMT
From: mab@ecmwf.co.uk (Baudouin Raoult)
Subject: Print2Pict3.5
This is version 3.5 of Print2Pict. It is a virtual printer driver
that previews and saves printed pages to PICT files, the clipboard, or
can create standalone documents from any DTP software.
It works only under System 7 or later.
You can use Print2Pict with any application that prints using the standard
Macintosh interface.
Drop it in your extensions folder and select it with the Chooser.
What is new in version 3.5 ?
- Print2Pict is now compatible with QuarkXPress.
- A extra extension is added : Pixmap PICT.
- The Poscard's "About..." box can be customized.
#### BINHEX print-2-pict-to-qt-20.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 08:37:48 NZS
From: N.Perry@massey.ac.nz
Subject: Print To QuickTime 2.0
This is the second release of Print To QuickTime, an extension
for Print To Pict.
New in this release is the ability to append movies to existing
For new users:
Print To QuickTIme is an extension for Print To Pict which enables
you to create QuickTime movies from most applications simply by
selecting Print To Pict/Print To QuickTime as your printer and
printing your document.
Print to QuickTime is free to most people for personal and educational
use. Full documentation and conditions of use in the package.
Kiwis & Ozzies in particular:
Print To QuickTime, along with Pictoids & ColourText, is available
for FTP from my experimental FTP server, smis-asterix.massey.ac.nz.
Anybody is welcome to use this server, but please remember it is my
desktop LC and avoid heavy use during NZ working hours (GMT+12).
--- cut here --- (BinHex/Compact Pro)
#### BINHEX print-it-212.hqx ****
From: al_caughey@carletonbe.ottawa.on.ca
Organization: Carleton Board of Education, Nepean,Ont Canada
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 16:35:10 EST
Subject: PrintIt version 2.12
I've included version 2.12 and a documentation stack. This version fixes a
number of small bugs from previous versions.
#### BINHEX print-receipt-09.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 11 May 93 07:47:03 CDT
From: JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573 <golub@sgi.siemens.com>
Subject: PrintReceipt 0.9.0
enclosed is version 0.9.0 of the PrintReceipt system extension. a description
of the extension is below.
please send any bugs, comments or suggestions to:
joshua golub
1585 ridge avenue
evanston, illinois 60201
Across the span of a week, there are a large number of "lost" print jobs that
accumulate at the printer. These are jobs that are printed but then forgotten
about. Unfortunately, the PrintMonitor application does not provide any sort
of reminder that a print job is complete and ready to be picked up.
PrintReceipt is a system extension that will monitor the progress of the
PrintMonitor application, and display an alert box when the PrintMonitor
has completed sending the current print job to the printer.
One should note that a print job may contain either a single document or
multiple documents. PrintReceipt will display an alert when the entire print
job is complete, not when each individual document in the job is complete.
To install PrintReceipt, place it in the Extensions folder inside the System
folder and restart the computer.
PrintReceipt requires System 7 or later, and will use 8K of memory.
#### BINHEX printer-defaults-111.hqx ****
From: John Rawnsley <jhr@maths.warwick.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Printer Defaults v1.1.1
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1993 13:59:57 +0000 (GMT)
Enclosed is Printer Defaults v1.1.1, a program to save the settings
from a Page Setup as the defaults. It can also apply some of Don
Markuson's simpler LaserWriter patches (thanks Don!).
John Rawnsley * jhr@maths.warwick.ac.uk
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK,
#### TEXT printing-booklets.txt ****
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 11:31:46 PST
From: "Peter Jorgensen" <PJORGENSEN%COLGATEU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Printing Booklets - compiled answers
Received: from COLGATEU.BITNET by COLGATEU.BITNET (PMDF #12539) id
<01GIAPWE4PQ499E7RN@COLGATEU.BITNET>; Tue, 31 Mar 1992 14:28 EDT
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 14:28 EDT
Subject: Printing Booklets - compiled answers
X-Envelope-to: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
X-VMS-To: in%infomac
Here is a compilation of the replies (not including those that got posted in
the Digest) I received to the question "How does one print booklets?"
Summary: Several suggested PocketBookWriter - which I am trying, but which
doesn't seem to be System 7.0 compatible.
Several suggested DynoPage - which, being commercial, may be.
#### BINHEX ps-trimmer-101.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 92 11:18:05 -0800
From: Hugo M. Ayala <hugo@apple.com>
Subject: PS-Trimmer-1.0.1
This is the next revision of the control panel 'Trimmer' which reduces
the size of PostScript files when printing with the LaserWriter 7.0
driver. This version fixes some problems (from 1.0) in dealing with
Suitcase and Font/DA Juggler. Also, it fixes some problems where the
font type shown is incorrect in systems not running TrueType.
This utility is useful for people who do their printing by first
saving a PostScript file using the LaserWriter driver and then
transmitting it to a service bureau or a UNIX spooler. Using this
control panel you can reduce the size of your PostScript files by up
to half (results will vary from document to document).
Hugo M. Ayala
PS: the previous version was posted under /util
#### SHELL_ARC ps2eps-13-unix.shar ****
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 93 15:19:07 EST
From: george@mech.seas.upenn.edu (George Jefferson)
Subject: ps2eps-mac
this is version 1.3 of my ( unix based ) package for converting
postscript -> mac format eps with screen preview.
new features include:
1 major bug fix. ( would crash when converting large images )
color support ( off by default, to reduce file size )
robust recognition of all sorts of wierd bounding box
line formats ( atend, decimal numbers, etc )
more informative ( imho ) error reporting.
pbmtoepsi.c is now included in this distribution.
( still needs pbmplus to compile though )
unix "man" page
requires ghostscript, and the pbmplus package.
george jefferson
for the archivists, replaces mac/util/unix/ps2eps1.1.shar @umich
info-mac/unix/ps2eps-11.shar @sumex
BTW, the name ps2eps is already taken ( by several programs, sigh )
if ps2eps-mac1.3.shar is too long, go with
ps2epsmac13.shar or ps2epsmac13.sh or ps2mac13.sh
---------ps2eps-mac1.3.shar----cut here---
#### BINHEX show-pages-141.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 14 May 93 20:48:34 GMT+0900
From: sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (SUMIYA Takahiro)
Subject: ShowPages 1.4.1
[ShowPages 1.4.1]
ShowPages (formerly MacLPR) is a small utility for downloading
PostScript code and printing ASCII text file to your PS printer.
The main features are:
1. You can download PS code in the background (Using PrintMonitor)
2. You can print your documents simply by drag & drop.
3. It treats text whose first 2 bytes are '%!' as postscript
code, otherwise as plain text.
ShowPages 1.4 is Freeware.
Changes from MacLPR 1.3.2:
1. The name was changed from 'MacLPR' to 'ShowPages'.
2. Minor bug fixed.
3. You can edit header and footer.
4. You can print the TEXT on Clipboard.
6. You can draw Bounding box of PS figure.
7. Apple Events support.
Takahiro Sumiya (sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp)
#### SHELL_ARC strip-fonts-unix.shar ****
Date: Fri, 15 May 92 02:08 CDT
From: Dominik Hoffmann <HOFFMANN@macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: StripFonts-unix.shar
This is the Unix side of the StripFonts utility to be found in the info-mac/util
directory. It had been removed from the archive. It should probably go into the
info-mac/unix directory.
Thanks a lot
Dominik Hoffmann (I am not the author.)
[This is essentially the same text as found in the "Readme" file in
the StripFonts.hqx archive.]
What is StripFonts?
StripFonts is a program designed to be useful to a very specific set
of people: those who frequently print documents by creating a
PostScript file on the Mac, transferring that file to a UNIX machine,
and sending it to a PostScript-compatible printer which is networked
to the UNIX machine. In particular, it is aimed at people who use
Adobe Type Manger, or who frequently use non-standard PostScript
typefaces; in other words, people who have PostScript outline fonts in
their system folders. It is also helpful to people using System 7, who
no longer have the option of omitting the Apple ProcSet from their
PostScript files.
The presence of outline fonts in the system folder causes the printer
driver to include a copy of the PostScript font definition of each
font used in the document. This is because there is no way for the
printer driver to know in advance which fonts will be available on the
particular printer that you end up using (different printers have
different sets of fonts built in, or on disk). When the printer is
connected to the Macintosh itself, this is not a problem, since the
Mac can ask the printer at the time of printing. However, this
interaction is not possible when the printing will be performed at a
later time from a different machine.
The font descriptions can increase the size of the PostScript file to
a startling degree, making the file-transfer process quite unwieldy.
This is where StripFonts comes into play. The StripFonts package
allows you remove the font definitions from a PostScript file before
sending it to the UNIX machine. It can learn which fonts are built in
to the printer that you will be using, and remove them "permanently"
from the file, which will speed up printing time as well. StripFonts
will also let you keep copies of non-built-in typefaces in a directory
under UNIX, and omit those font definitions during the transfer
between the Mac and the UNIX machine, saving greatly on transfer time.
They need to be re-inserted into the file before it can be printed, or
the printer will not be able to use the typefaces; the UNIX side of
StripFonts does this. A similar trick can be used to temporarily
remove the ProcSet which teaches the printer the "shorthand" that the
Mac's LaserWriter driver uses.
The current version of StripFonts can tell the difference between
PostScript and TrueType fonts, and has no problem keeping both
versions of a font, even if they have the same name. It also has an
"others" category for font types that it does not recognize; for
example, Macintosh bitmap fonts for which no outlines exist.
In my experience with using StripFonts, the time saved in uploading is
considerable. Typical documents (before stripping) for me are about
600K; after stripping they are cut down to about 40K. After adding the
support for multiple font types and ProcSet removal, I created a test
document using an Adobe PostScript font and a bitmap font. It was 300K
bytes long. Stripping out the fonts and the ProcSet cut it down to 2K!
The UNIX end reconstituted and printed it just fine.
Note that if you use TrueType fonts in a document the TrueType
rendering engine needs to be included so that the PostScript printer
knows how to deal with the fonts. This is pretty big, on the order of
#### BINHEX style-writer-723.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1993 16:11:19 -0500
From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)
Subject: StyleWriter 7.2.3
StyleWriter 7.2.3
Just the printer driver -- there was no documentation with this file.
NCSA-UIUC, e:igorl@uiuc.edu, p:(217) 244-0424
#### BINHEX stylewriter-ii-hack-12.hqx ****
From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)
Subject: StyleWriter I+ hack 1.2
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 21:16:05 -0600
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
This is a somewhat enhanced version of Adam Schenker's hack to safely use the
new StyleWriter II driver with the older StyleWriter printers.
The StyleWriter II driver is not included; you have to get it from Apple...
Please read enclosed instructions before hacking ;-)
This version includes an automatic patch thanks to ResCompare by Michael Hecht.
Cheers, Igor
P.S. I heard a rumour that the very latest version of the StyleWriter II
driver is safe to use with the StyleWriter without these modifications, but
I have not confirmed it, yet.
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="StyleWriter_I+_hack_1.2.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="StyleWriter_I+_hack_1.2.sit"
#### BINHEX stylewriter-ii-pagenum.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 93 16:01:45 -0700
From: jakubith@violet.berkeley.edu
Dear operators, please post this little app, following is a description of
what it does.
--------------------------->> schnipp schnapp <<------------------------------
*** StyleWriter II PageNum ***
This little faceless app prints the sum of pages which are logged in the
StyleWriter II Log file in the Printing Prefs folder ( inside the
Preferences folder, inside the System folder). If you don't have the
StyleWriter II Log file, see your StyleWriter II documentation.
This app works only with english StyleWriter II Log files and only if
launched inside the Printing Prefs folder.
If, and only if, you find it useful, please drop me a line on e-mail.
Sven Jakubith,
This program is free, unless you sell it, in which case I want 50%.
--------------------------->> schnipp schnapp <<------------------------------
#### BINHEX stylewriter-ii-use-mon.hqx ****
From sjs@ferndown.ate.slb.com Wed Aug 25 11:11:41 1993
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 93 13:14:56 BST
From: sjs@ferndown.ate.slb.com
Subject: [*]SWIIPrintUseMonitor version 1.0
Dear Moderators,
Enclosed is version 1.0 of SWIIPrintUseMonitor.
This small application checks the log file created by the
StyleWriter II driver and warns the user if the the cartridge
is approaching the end of its expected life.
I believe that it sould go in the 'prn' folder, with other
StyleWriter Utilities, such as StyleWriterII_log.sit. This
program has been compressed and BinHex'ed with Compact Pro.
Please feel free to distrbute on the CD-ROM of the info-mac
archives if you wish.
Steve Smith
#### TEXT vt100-print-unix.txt ****
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 92 07:26:07 -0400
From: bewilson@Kodak.COM (Bruce E. Wilson, ECCR-PA, B95-A, X8886
Subject: [*] pron.c, print text files using Macintosh printer
Enclosed are instructions and the C source for a small utility program
to run on a Unix system (or VAX) which will allow you to print text
files on your Mac printer, if you are using a terminal emulator which
supports the VT100 slave printer escape codes (I know Versaterm Pro does;
earlier versions of Mac240/1 did not). I have attached the material as
a submission, but in clear text, as the whole thing (instructions, this
message, and source code) is just over 4K.
I am the author, and I have released the program into the public domain.
If you like the program, smile a bit more and make sure you've paid
all your shareware fees.
Bruce Wilson (bewilson@kodak.com)
cut here:
#### BINHEX xante-ppd-lw8.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 22:20:41 MET
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: Xante PPDs for LwaserWirter 8.0 (resubmission) w
This is a re-submission of the PPDs for the Xante Accel-a-
Writer printers and upgrade boards. Obviously my first
posting was somehow corrupted.
It's a BinHexed StuffIt archive which, when expanded,
should have the following structure:
Root: Xante Folder (folder)
1st Level ReadMe.1st (teachtext document)
(Xante Folder) Warning (teachtext document)
International users beware! (ttxt doc)
Xante Driver 8.0 modifier (application)
PPDs (folder)
2nd Level
(PPDs Folder) The PPDs for the "normal" print jobs
as well as those for PageMaker 5.0
I only worked with the "A1"-PPD (non-PageMaker
version) so far, and it appears that Xante did a
poor job when they wrote it. I have changed it to
set the default paper size (for use in Europe, for
example) to A4 instead of Letter -> change all
occurences of "Letter" into "A4".
The Paper size definition for A4 is correct, but the
margins are set too narrow, at least for my printer.
I changed all occurences of "imageable area", etc.
to values which produce a 17-unit margin (= 6 mm
or 0.6 cm). 1 "unit" is 1/72 of an inch.
If someone wants it, I can send my "adapted PPD",
but I hesitate to post it now.
Please note that I do not work for Xante and do not have
any connections with them other than being their customer.
Comments, questions and complaints should be directed
to them at the following address:
Xante Corporation
2559 Emogene Street
Mobile, AL 36606, USA
phone (205) 476-8189
fax (205) 476-9421
CompuServe 72730,2666
#### BINHEX xante-ppd-pm5.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 93 10:42:28 MET
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: [*] Xante PPDs for PageMaker 5.0
Here are the PPD-files for PageMaker 5.0 which should be
used with the printers and upgrade boards from Xante Corp.
I have uploaded the LaserWriter 8.0 PPD files in a separate
Binhexed CompactPro archive.
Happy printing!